Wednesday 13 June 2012

MicroBrasserie Charlevoix La Vache Folle

Today's beer: La Vache Folle by MicroBrasserie Charlevoix

This beer was originally suggested to me by the beer guy at CSN, my local liquor store. He knows my like of dark beers and stouts and suggested this brew from Quebec. The name translates as The Crazy Cow. Tonight seems like a good night to drink a stout: cool and rainy.

La Vache Folle is a Imperial Milk Stout. Milk Stouts are an interesting variation of the stout. In addition to the regular ingredients, lactose (the sugar in cow milk) is added. Since the yeast can't convert most of the lactose to alcohol, it ends up sweetening the stout. I did notice after drinking the beer that it does have an IBU rating. Of 10.

La Vache Folle produces a huge tan head when poured into a glass. As is expected with a stout it is an opaque black. The primary smell I got was that of alcohol. But there isn't a big taste of alcohol. There is a taste of chocolate with a hint of citrus/orange. I found that it coated the inside of my mouth, rather like a glass of milk. The carbonation is quite nice and foams up in your mouth. The faint taste of alcohol hides the fact that this beer is 9% alcohol, and even now, half an hour later I'm feeling the effects. If you are allergic to milk, do not drink this beer. If you're not allergic to milk and like dark beers, you'll probably enjoy this one.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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