Sunday 10 June 2012

Cannery Brewing Vulcan Ale

Today's beer: Vulcan Ale by Cannery Brewing

Since today is the last day of Spock Days in Vulcan, Alberta, I thought this was an appropriate brew to try. Shortly after I bought this last week, someone came in and cleaned the store out, presumably to stock Spock Days.

I was pretty excited to try Vulcan Ale. In the glass it's a golden yellow. On my first sniff all I caught was sweetness. With a second sniff I smelled licorice and star anise and something else that is familiar but I can't quite identify. My first sip revealed a slight taste of star anise with mild hopyness and the same familiar flavour/smell. There is a lot of malt in this beer. This beer is very sweet. It has good carbonation that froths up in the mouth.

Due to the sweetness of this beerI couldn't drink more than one. In fact I had difficulty even completing one.


May your glass always be full of good beer! 

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