Friday 2 January 2015

Category 12 Unsanctioned

Today's beer: Unsanctioned by Category 12

Wow. It's been almost 2 years since I last updated this blog. Times have been tough and money tight, so when it came to a choice between getting beer and getting food, food won out every time. I still have some beers stashed away waiting to be drunk and reviewed. I hope to continue to update the blog through out the year this year again. Category 12 is a relatively new brewery from Victoria, BC. The tag on the suitcase, YYJ, is the airport code for Victoria International.  I picked this beer up on December 31st, while picking up a small bottle of bubbly. I hadn't planned on buying a beer while at the store, it just sort of happened. I was thinking about reviewing this beer on January 1st, but that didn't happen. It did get done today, so on to the review!

Unsanctioned pours into the glass a deep amber colour, with an off white to tan head that collapses quickly but doesn't dissipate too fast. My first sniff with my long out of practice nose revealed the smell of hops with an undercurrent of malt. With a second longer sniff, I smelled faint traces of pepper. My first sip treated my taste buds to the pleasant taste of hops. There isn't much malt to this beer but there is something else. Being out of practice, I can only guess it was a spice taste, but can't be much more specific. One thing I did note is that Unsanctioned leaves a very nice aftertaste on the back of the tongue. With an alcohol content of 6.9%, Unsanctioned packs a punch with out having an overwhelming alcohol taste. I'm looking forward to trying more from these guys in the future!

 May your glass always be full of good beer!