Saturday 25 August 2012

Schloss Eggenberg Doppelbock

Today's beer: Doppelbock by Schloss Eggenberg

When I picked this beer up, I had been looking for another dunkel (or two) to try after my encounter with Phillips Dr. Funk. I managed to find this one and another dunkel (which will be reviewed later). Doppelbock is a strong beer from Austria coming in at 8.5%.

Dopplebock pours into the glass a rich brown in colour with a moderate light tan head that persists. My smells of the beer revealed nothing. I couldn't smell anything from this beer. My first sip, however revealed a huge hit of malt. This beer is all about the malt with the only trace of hops being in the finish with a very light taste of hops. There is also a subtle sweetness to the beer which is intriguing. There was one flavour, though it tasted familiar, I couldn't identify. Weaving through all these flavours was the slight taste of alcohol, but that's not really surprising given the amount of alcohol. Though I did enjoy this beer, I probably wouldn't buy it again, there are probably other dunkels out there that are better.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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