Tuesday 28 August 2012

Phillips Skookum

Today's beer: Skookum by Phillips

Skookum is another beer from the Phillips Hop Box and like all the beers from the Hop Box, it is an IPA varient. Two delicious Hop Box beers down, one to go! I have already reviewed the fourth beer in the box, Hop Circle.

Skookumpours into the glass a dark brown and develops a moderate, light tan head. The head eventually deteriorates to a foam with the consistency of whipping cream, very thick. My first whiff revealed the scent of hops and malt, with a bit more hops coming through. My first sip revealed a huge hit of hops, not terribly surprising since it is an IPA. There was also a light touch of malt. Despite the amount of hops, this is a very smooth beer and fairly easy to drink, which could be a problem if you drink too many of them as Skookum is a 6.5% beer. This beer would be a really good mid-afternoon beer on a hot day. I would like to see this be available by its self instead of only available through the Hop Box.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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