Friday 10 August 2012

Phillips Amnesiac

Today's beer: Amnesiac by Phillips

It's been a while since I updated this blog, but life happens. I picked this beer up a while ago and have been meaning to try it ever since I first picked it up, but I never got around to it. It's apparently one of my brother in laws favourites.

Amnesiac is a strong beer, coming in at 8.5%. It's also a double IPA which means lots of hops. Philips, for the most part, I've found is often quite light on the malts and heavier on the hops as it is, so it'll be interesting to see how they handle a double IPA. Amnesiac pours into the glass a brilliant, cloudy yellow with an extremely persistent head. In fact, the head lasted until I finished my glass. My first whiff revealed (surprise, surprise) hops and something I couldn't quite identify on my first smelling. After drinking some of the beer and smelling again, I caught the faint smell of fresh cut grass. My first sip, though half foam, gave me an absolutely massive hit of hops, not terribly surprising, since, as I said, this is a double IPA. The interesting thing is that I could taste at least two different varieties of hops in the first few sips. Not many beers can use several hops and have the different varieties stand out, they tend to blend together. There is also the faint taste of citrus.

While I do like hops, Amnesiac is a bit too hoppy for me and there is no way I could finish a full bottle in one go. In fact the bottle in the picture is currently sitting in my fridge with a stopper in it, and will consumed at a later time. If you are a hop fiend, you will love this beer. If you don't like hops a lot, stay away from this beer.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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