Thursday 30 August 2012

Erdinger Weissbier Dunkel

Today's beer: Weissbier Dunkel by Erdinger

I've been on a bit of a dark beer kick recently. Despite the fact that summer is the traditional time for lighter, hoppier beers, I still like darker beers. I have nothing against the so-called summer beers, except the fact that it makes it much harder to get a good dark beer. Weissbier Dunkel is odd for a dark dunkel beer as it is a wheat beer. On the label it calls its self a strong beer, but it is only 5.3%.

The Dunkel pours into the glass a dark brown as any good dunkel should. The head, however, is monstrous, not like any beer should be (with the exception of Guinness which starts out as nothing but head). Even after I stop pouring, with my glass only half full, the head keeps building, eventually overflowing my glass. There isn't much smell to the beer. Dunkel does have a wheat beer like taste to it with a touch of malt, and not much else. There are no hops evident. Despite the enormous head (or perhaps because of it) there is almost no carbonation in this beer. Perhaps carbonation would improve this beer. All during my drink, I can't shake the feeling that there's something not quite right about the beer. A dunkel should be bursting with malt and have a touch of hops and this beer has little of either. Very disappointing. I wouldn't buy this beer again.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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