Sunday 26 August 2012

Granville Island Cascadian Dark Ale

Today's beer: Cascadian Dark Ale by Granville Island

I picked this up with a clutch of other beers about a month ago and have been waiting for the right time to try it. In the past few weeks I've passed it over just because I haven't felt like having that much beer. It is a big bottle at 650ml and it is a stronger beer than most, coming in at 6%. But tonight was the night to crack it open.

Cascadia pours into the glass a very dark brown and forms a huge tan head. I usually wait a bit to let the head die down before taking a sniff and a sip, but the head just doesn't settle. Even after I finished the beer, there was still foam at the bottom of my glass. My first sniff (mostly of the head) revealed nothing but hops. However later sniffs (after I had drunk a bit) did reveal some malt smells as well. There were some toasted malt smells as one might get from a porter too. My first taste yielded a nice blend of hops and roasted malt with the hops being a bit more prevalent. There was also a distinct citrus touch to the aftertaste. Despite the ginormous head, the beer its self has very little carbonation in it. Cascadian Dark Ale almost tastes like a porter, but with more hops. This is a very nice beer and easy to drink. I would definitely buy this beer again.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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