Saturday 18 August 2012

Phillips Krypton

Today's beer: Krypton by Phillips

While looking up some information for the Analogue 78 on the Phillips website, I came across several beers that I was eager to try but had never seen. Then I noticed that they said they were only available in the Hop Box. I immediately phoned my local liquor store to inquire if they carried the Hop Box. They did. The Hop box is similar to the Phillips Show Case; it has 12 beers, 3 each of 4 varieties. In the Hop Box, however, all the beers are hoppy beers. Krypton is described as a Rye PA, because in addition to the usual ingredients found in beer, they have added rye.

Krypton pours into the glass a cloudy deep yellow with a large head. My first sniff revealed a large smell of hops with a very slight floral scent. I got hit with a huge hit of hops on my first sip. This is definitely in the IPA family. In addition to the monster hit of hops, there was also citrus tones and even a touch of spice to round out the overall taste of this beer. Like the Analogue 78, this beer is a really good drink on a hot summer day.

If you're not sure if you like hops (or even if you're pretty sure you don't), or if you know you like hops and want to expand your beer palette, I would wholeheartedly recommend picking up a Hop Box, you're almost sure of finding something you like in it.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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