Sunday 12 August 2012

Haand Bryggeriet Dark Force

Today's beer: Dark Force by Haand Bryggeriet

Note: The writing/posting of this entry was delayed several hours.

After the beer-that-wasn't, I decided I needed to have a real beer. After perusing the selection in my fridge, I settled on Dark Force. I've had it for a while now, and now seems as good a time as any to try it.

Dark Force is a "Double Extreme Imperial Wheat Stout". It pours an opaque black into the glass with a large dark brown head. My first whiff brings forth the smell of citrus, with roasted malts along with some of the standard stout smells. Dark Force is meant to be drunk quite warm, the bottle suggests 10-14 C.  As it warmed up, I caught the distinct smell of rich chocolate. My first sip revealed some rich toasted tastes. I also detected hints of coffee and chocolate. Dark Force is a very thick beer, unlike the previous beer. Dark Force is also a very strong beer at 9%. I really enjoyed this beer and I am going to see if my local beer store can get in more of the beers by this company. In my opinion, this beer, while being good anytime, would be fantastic on a cold night with a hot bowl of stew.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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