Saturday 4 August 2012

Samuel Smith Old Brewery Pale Ale

Today's beer: Old Brewery Pale Ale by Samuel Smith

As a result of yesterdays post, instead of grabbing a locally available brew, I grabbed this one, out of England. I have had a Samuel Smith beer before: their Oatmeal Stout, almost a direct opposite of a pale ale. This should be interesting.

This pale ale pours into the glass a dark amber. Not what I expected. I expected a very light coloured beer. A moderate head forms, but dissipates fairly quickly. My sniff reveals the smell of hops and apples. My first sip gives only a very faint taste of hops, but with all the bitterness of a well hopped beer. With further tasting I found the taste of hops along the sides of my tongue. There is also a faint taste of apples. This beer is very well balanced, with the malts perfectly counterpointing the hops so that neither one takes over. There is decent carbonation. While not always necessary in a beer, sometimes the carbonation adds that little something extra a beer may need. On a hot day like to day, I found this beer very crisp and refreshing. I would most definitely buy this beer again.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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