Sunday 12 August 2012

A. Le Coq Viru

Today's beer: Viru by A. Le Coq

I picked this bottle up today. What caught my eye initially was the unusual shape. While most bottles have a fairly standard shape that varies little from bottle to bottle, Viru is in an octagonal bottle. When I first picked it up I also noticed it is from Estonia, and having never had an Estonian beer before, I decided to give it a try.

Viru pours into the glass a mostly clear straw colour with virtually no head. The beer guy at my local liquor store has said that the clearer a beer it, the more filtration it's gone through. The more filtration it's gone through, the more flavours are inevitably removed. My first smell I detected a slightly spicy smell. Things are looking up for this beer. Alas, the first sip dispelled any hopes of a good beer. My first sip revealed the light taste of apple, but virtually no hops or malt. Though easy enough to drink, there is very little taste in this beer. It is an unremarkable lager. Oh well, can't win them all.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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