Saturday 11 August 2012

Bud Light Lime Mojito

Today's beer: Lime Mojito by Bud Light

When I first started this blog, I told the beer guy at my local beer store. He handed me this beer with a bit of a smirk and told me this was possibly the worst beer in the world. He also said that it should not be my first review. It has taken until today to build up the courage to try it.

Lime Mojito pours into the glass a crystal clear pale yellow. In fact, it almost looked like apple juice in my glass, if not for the head, which vanished quite quickly. My first exploratory sniff revealed the light scent of lime. There was no beer smell at all. My first sip had my taste buds confused, there was a jumble of flavours all competing to be least present. There was a very light taste of lime and the mint presented its self as an aftertaste. There is virtually no beer taste, no malt and certainly no hops to speak of. As I drank it, I found myself wondering 'am I really drinking beer?' I did find there was a very unpleasant aftertaste on the tip of my tongue if I went too long between sips. By the end of the can it was very hard to drink with out gagging. There is no way I would ever by this. Ever. It may not be the worst beer in the world, but it is pretty close. After drinking this, I find myself wanting a real beer.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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