Sunday 27 May 2012

Phillips Phoenix

Today's beer: Phoenix by Phillips

Almost a year ago, my brother-in-law turned me on to Phillips and I quickly became a fan. From then on, their Blue Buck has been one of my favourites. So I was excited to see the Phillips Show Case mixed pack featuring Blue Buck, Slipstream, Phoenix and a mystery seasonal beer (all of which will be reviewed in the not too distant future). I was excited. Up to now I had only seen Blue Buck, Hopperation Tripple Cross and Hop Circle (again all to be reviewed soon). This Show Case gave me the chance to sample more of their selection.

As previously stated, I'm not a lager kind of guy. Every now and then, however, I pick one up. This lager looks like a white ale in the glass, sort of cloudy rather than clear like most lagers I've seen. With my first sip, I got a light hit of hops. Nothing too big, but enough to get noticed. There was also a touch of citrus at the back of my mouth. In addition there was an underlying flavour, something I still can't identify, similar to citrus, but distinct. I want to say orange, but that's not quite it. It all makes for a nice crisp and good beer. I quite enjoyed this beer. Not a surprise, as I've stated, most Phillips beers are very good.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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