Friday 14 September 2012

The Tin Whistle Brewing Company Killer Bee

Today's beer: Killer Bee by The Tin Whistle Brewing Company

I picked this beer up several weeks ago and have had it in my fridge since. There have been several times I've considered trying it, but have always shied away, but with today being very warm, I figured a nice honey ale would be nice. Killer Bee is described as a dark honey ale. But it is not a dark ale with honey, it is ale with dark honey.

Killer Bee pours into the glass a very dark brown, almost black. It looks kind of like a porter or a a stout. Killer Be produces no head. My first sniff revealed a fairly standard beer smell with a faint hint of honey. A rich malt flavour met my first sip. There was a balancing amount of hops at first, but as I drank more all traces of hops seemed to disappear. Killer Bee tastes rather like a porter or a stout rather than a honey ale. As a honey ale, Killer Bee doesn't do too well, but as a mild porter or stout, it's pretty good.

(as a honey ale)

(as a mild porter)

May your glass always be full of good beer!

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