Saturday 22 September 2012

Evil Twin Disco Beer

Today's beer: Disco Beer by Evil Twin

Today being the first day of fall, and a rather warm one at that, and seeing as I was rather disappointed with the last beer I drank, I decided to have a second beer. Disco Beer come in two forms red cap and gold cap. There is no difference between the two.

Disco Beer pours into the glass an opaque red brown with a large head that dissipates quite quickly. My first sniff revealed the smell of fruit, but what fruit, I'm not too sure. It's something familiar, but I can't seem to place my finger on it. The first sip was very interesting. Rather than a malt or hops taste, the first thing that hit me was the taste of grapes, which was then followed by the taste of malt. The taste of grapes isn't a big surprise seeing as Disco Beer is aged in Chardonnay wine barrels. There is a slight taste of alcohol. The alcohol taste isn't overpowering, which is surprising considering Disco Beer comes in at 10.5%. As I drank more I also became aware of a wine taste, seperate and distinct from the grape taste. Overall this is a very nice beer.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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