Monday 10 September 2012

Phillips GrowHop Chinook IPA

Today's beer: GrowHop Chinook IPA by Phillips

This is the final new beer from the Phillips Hop Box. There are apparently different varieties of GrowHop, each one dedicated to one specific hop variate, in this case Chinook Hops.

GrowHop pours into the glass a deep yellow with a large pale straw coloured head that persists quite a long time. The only smell I got from my initial smelling was hops, though after having drunk some of the beer (and reduced some of the head in the process) I did get the slight smell of grapefruit. As for taste, this beer is all about the hops. There is virtually no malt to this beer at all. But surprisingly, the hops is not overwhelming, as can be the case with some IPAs. GrowHop also has a nice level of carbonation, which probably leads to the longevity of the head. The other thing that I tasted was a slight hint of grapefruit, but I only got that in the last few sips of the beer. Again, as with the other Hop Box beers, I'd love to see this one available in packs other than just the Hop Box.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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