Saturday 15 September 2012

Innis & Gunn Original

Today's beer: Innis & Gunn Original

At last, the long awaited, much talked about Innis & Gunn review! I've been planning on doing this review basically since day one, but other beers always seemed to get in the way (I know, life's hard). But I decided that this weekend would be the weekend I reviewed Innis & Gunn. I know I've reviewed a few of the other offerings from Innis & Gunn, but this is the beer that started it all.

Innis & Gunn pours into the glass a clear amber colour with a very thin head that dissipates very quickly. My first sniff reveals the signature scent of Innis & Gunn, a skunky/oaky smell. In most beers a skunky smell is definitely a bad sign, but it's a different kind of skunky smell with Innis & Gunn, a good kind of smell. The main taste of this beer is oak. Innis & Gunn isn't big on malt and the hops aren't overwhelming, but they do let you know they're there. This beer is a very nice crisp beer with a nice amount of carbonation.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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