Sunday, 17 June 2012

William's Sir Perry

Today's beer: Sir Perry by William's

I must admit to a certain amount of confusion with the beer and the brewery. I'm not sure if the name of the beer (actually it's a cider) is "William's Sir Perry" or if it's as stated above "Sir Perry" with William or William's as the brewer.

Several weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me if I was going to do any cider reviews on my blog. I had thought about picking up a cider to review a week or so before but had dismissed it as not being a beer and my blog being about beer. However after I changed my mind and will be reviewing two ciders (at least). One tonight and one at a later date. I don't know much about ciders. I think I have drunk one brand several times, but it's not a traditional cider. Apple or pear cider I've only drunk once or twice in my life time.

Sir Perry is a pear cider. It poured into the glass with no head and quite heavy carbonation. In the glass it is a very pale straw colour. There is almost no smell to the cider. My first sip brought huge tastes of ripe pears. Absolutely delicious. After most of a glass there was a slight taste almost like white wine. At 6% it is slightly stronger than a standard beer. I could easily see drinking several of these over the course of a long hot afternoon and evening.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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