Sunday, 3 June 2012

Phillips Hop Circle

Today's beer: Hop Circle IPA by Phillips

This beer is one of my favourites by Phillips. While I do quite enjoy my dark beers, sometimes I'm in the mood for a nice IPA. On the bottle it says "With a hop flavour that is out of this world, Hop Circle IPA will probe your tasebuds and abduct your senses. The gravitational pull of this IPA will have you searching the galaxy for another close encounter of the thirst kind. Resistance is futile." I don't think I could have put it much better myself.

In the glass Hop Circle is a beautiful gold/bronze colour. When I poured it into the glass a rather large head appeared, but it dissipated shortly. There is a fruity smell that I can't quite identify. At first I thought it was maybe apple or pear, but that's not quite it. I looked at a few other websites and some said grapefruit or even pineapple, but those don't quite seem to be right. It's a familiar smell, but I just can't quite place it. There is a good hit of hops with the same underlying fruit taste. There is also a hint of spruce as well as alcohol. I was rather surprised to discover that it's a 6.5%. Light malt balances out this great IPA.  This is a very drinkable beer and I could see myself enjoying a few over the course of a night.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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