Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Elysian The Immortal IPA

Today's beer: The Immortal IPA by Elysian

Wow! Two reviews in two days! I picked this beer up shortly after reviewing Night Owl, also by Elysian, so I've had this beer for a few years. Yes, beer can keep that long, provided you keep it in a dark, (preferably cool) place. Some brews improve with age (the Unibroue Quatre-Centieme is  a good example, as is the Harviestoun Ola Dubh), but some do definitely expire. If you have a beer that has "floaties" in it, or stuff on the bottom, it may still be good, just be careful when you pour. This is the kind of beer I was looking for yesterday, a nice IPA. Since today is as hot (or hotter than) yesterday it seemed the logical choice for a beer. I have found some other "summer" type beers I had stashed away and have placed them in the fridge. Who knows, this may turn into a 3 or more review month! On to the review!

The Immortal IPA pours into the glass a beautiful golden colour. I could smell the hops even as I poured it. A small off-white head forms, but it dissipates fairly quickly. My first sniff revealed exactly what I expected, a huge hit of hops. What was unexpected was the light flower scent that I also got. My first sip gave me lots of hops and, again a surprise, a slight taste of pepper. Malt is not completely absent from this brew, as can be the case with so many IPAs, which was a nice touch. There was also the light taste of citrus. This is a nice crisp beer, perfect for a hot day like today.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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