Thursday, 28 May 2015

Damm Damm Lemon 6-4

Today's beer: Damm Lemon 6-4 by Damm

Yet another post in May! Who knows, maybe June will be just as productive. Today was another scorching day with the temperature above 30°. It was a good day to have another of the beers I put in the fridge for just such an occasion. I wasn't sure if Damm Lemon was going to be an actual beer, or more like Rekorderlig or a cider. Turns out to be an actual beer. The 6-4 in the name refers to it's composition: 6 parts beer to 4 parts lemon. On with the review!

Damm Lemon pours into the glass a dusty straw colour with a moderate white head that dissipates fairly quickly. My first sniff revealed the smell of citrus and hops. No identifiable or overwhelming lemon smell, but certainly a citrus smell. Further deep sniffs did result in the extremely faint smell of lime. With my first sip, a burst of lemon shot through my mouth as the beer passed my lips. There is a very faint malt after taste. Damm Lemon manages to achieve an almost perfect balance between the hops and the malt. It's not too bitter and not too malty. The taste is very hard to describe. There was, of course, a citrus taste through out the sip. Damm Lemon is the perfect beer for a hot day, and at only 3.2%, you could have more than one. If you are looking for a really good summer beer, look no further than this beer.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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