Monday 18 May 2015

Tin Whistle Black Widow

Today's beer: Black Widow by Tin Whistle

It's been over a month since my last post, despite my promise to myself that I would try to update the blog twice a month. Perhaps I can get two posts done this month. I've had this beer for quite a while. It was quite warm today, around 27°C, not including the humidity, and I felt the need for a nice cool beer. I poked around in my fridge looking for something that was on the lighter colour side, something not stout or porter like. There's a really nice dark lager by Vancouver Island Brewery called Hermann's Dark Lager. I do intend to review it, but so far the price is a little high. For some reason a 650ml bottle is almost twice the price of almost any other. On to the review!

Black Widow pours into the glass a deep brown. I was surprised at this because I was expecting a golden colour.  Very little head developed and any that did develop dissipated almost immediately. My first sniff gave me the smell of hops with the faintest hint of pepper. Perhaps it would be a mild ale, like the label says. My first taste however revealed that it is in fact a porter. I got the taste of roasted malt with a slight coffee taste. There is also the taste of hops, but it is quite faint. There was another taste that I can't identify. It's not a bad taste and it was very faint. Black Widow has almost no carbonation and goes down very smoothly. On a slightly cooler day this would be a wonderful beer. However it definitely would not be my first choice on a hot day.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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