Sunday, 7 June 2015

Lindemans Framboise Lambic

Today's beer: Framboise Lambic by Lindemans

It was another hot day, toping out above 30°; a perfect day for a beer. I am slowly going through my older beer stock and anticipating a hot week have put several summer style beers in my fridge. I decided that this one would be a nice one to try on such a hot day. I admit I was completely dumbfounded when I popped the cap off and discovered a cork under the cap. I think one should only need one tool to open a bottle of beer: a bottle opener. I have had beers that had corks in them, but they were more champagne style corks that pull out rather than needing an actual corkscrew.

On with the review!

Framboise pours into the glass almost a cherry red and develops a small red-white head that dissipates quickly. While pouring I got the distinct smell of raspberries (Framboise is French for raspberry).  My first sniff gave me the smell of raspberries. Further sniffing revealed the very light smell of hops. My first sip was wonderful, bursting first with the sweetness of fresh raspberries and finishing with their slight tartness. There was a slight secondary flavour, but I couldn't identify it. This is an excellent warm/hot weather beer, especially if you really like raspberries (like me).


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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