Wednesday 23 January 2013

Driftwood Crooked Coast

Today's beer: Crooked Coast by Driftwood

Wow, again it's been a long time between posts. No holidays to pin this late update on, just me. I bought this today while at the liquor store looking for orange bitters. I didn't find the bitters, but I did find several beers including this one. The other beers were mostly stouts, and though the weather today may warrant a stout, I just didn't feel like a stout today.

Crooked Coast pours into the glass a cloudy dark amber with a moderate yellow-tan head that dissipates fairly fast. My first sniff revealed an unusual, but pleasant sweet smell that I cannot identify, along side with the fairly standard hops and malt smells. My first sip revealed a generous helping of hops. There is no doubt about it this is a hoppy beer. There is a small amount of malt, but not much. Crooked Coast is a very crisp beer. There is a tiny sweet taste on the very back of the tongue. There is little doubt in my mind this is more of a summer beer than a winter beer. I could see enjoying this beer a fair bit more on a hot summer day.


May your glass always be full of good beer!

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