Thursday, 7 February 2013

Harviestoun Schiehallion

Today's beer: Schiehallion by Harviestoun

It's been a fair time since I last updated. I've meant to update more, but things have been hectic. I picked up this bottle several weeks ago. I've had some other beers by Harviestoun and have generally been impressed by them. Along with the Schiehallion, I picked up some variants of some other beers I've had including a Fuller's stout and a Young's London Ale. I'm excited to try them (and some others that I have picked up) and hopefully will do more that just two posts this month.

Schiehallion pours into the glass a cloudy yellow-amber colour with virtually no head, although that could be a result of how I poured it. My first sniff relieved the very definite smells of hops. I was surprised, however to detect some hints of malt and a very faint smell of citrus. The smell of malts is very uncommon in a lager. My first sip gave me a burst of hops followed by a wallop of malts finished by a very crisp hops. A most unusual flavour combination. I was surprised to find so much malt flavours in a lager, not traditionally known for it's malts. In fact, most lagers have very little malt, or just enough to balance the hops a bit. I quite enjoyed Schiehallion and would buy it again.


May your glass always be full of good beer!