Earlier this year, I tried the Foothillz Pilz by Wild Rose and quite enjoyed it. So when I saw this I knew I was going to have to try it too. To tell the truth, there is another of Wild Rose's seasonal offerings sitting in my fridge even now. Wild Rose seems to name it's seasonal beers after land marks here in Alberta. We have the foothills and (the as yet untried) Hop Smashed In named after Head-Smashed-In buffalo jump. Hoodoo Hef is named after the rock formations common to the Badlands near Drumheller, Alberta. On with the review!
Hoodoo Hef pours into the glass a golden amber with a moderate white head. My first whiff revealed a number of smells; one of the primary one being apple. There were also the smells of wheat malt and a very light scent of yeast. The first taste to hit me was also apple, again followed by pleasant wheat malt. There is also a slight taste of spice rounding out the flavours. As for hops, what hops? The hops flavour is so light as to be almost non existent. Hoodoo Hef is a very nice wheat beer with decent carbonation. I can only hope they make it part of their regular line up.
May your glass always be full of good beer!